Thursday, September 13, 2007

Things I Really Should Get Around to Doing...

Maybe putting them down in a somewhat public place will motivate me to get these done! Why is it so hard to accomplish anything at all when one owns a business? Where does all my time go?

1. Get the essential oil private labels finalized.
2. Get Pavia-labeled shoppers from Miss Bagbox. Why hasn't she called me back yet?
3. Figure out how to take Discover cards!!!
4. Set up a 2nd check-out station/computer...
5. Contact the carpet man about the final estimate.
6. Bring Bach flower essences into the spa.
7. Fax back the Mackey Water Systems order to George.
8. Finish Aromatherapy brochure & letters.
9. Publish a book - I was thinking "365 Days of Sanity" since it is consistent with our "Sanity, not Vanity" motto.
10. Buy Hampton window sashes to use as ceiling coverings.

Okay, I am going to check on myself in a month (on October 13, 2007) and see where I have gotten with all of these...and find a suitable way to punish myself for the things not yet done.

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