Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Featured in Renew Magazine. Cool!

When I got in on Friday I had a message from a Dana DeLaurentis (sp?), owner of a Chicago-based day spa. She said she had read about me and our new spa cancellation policy in this month's issue of Renew magazine and had questions to ask me. I called her back (she was pleased and surprised - but I told her we spa owners have to stick together), and it turns out that we were in an article called "20 Ultimate Spa Business Boosters" and we were #6. So cool!

I had NO idea that we were going to be published in a nationwide magazine. No one called or interviewed me to ask me any questions, but I guess the author of the article subscribes to my newsletter because she quoted me directly from there. I got really curious and went online to search for it and voila! Click here if you want to read it.

1 comment:

Joshua Jones said...

Congratulations! Keep up the great work :)

~ Joshua
